Monday, October 25, 2010

First Aid Kit

I already had no idea what to write here lol
so I decided to write about the shows I've been for first topic. just because of it's easy.

It was a last Friday(Oct 15th) at the El mocanbo.

I went to see the first Aid Kit are a folk duo composed of sisters from Sweden. I knew them through the fleet Foxes' cover on YouTube.
The video of their cover of Fleet Foxes was amazing, two girls are singing Tiger Mountain Peasant Song in a forest with beautiful voices and harmony. I was really impressed when I saw this video.
A few weeks ago, I reached their myspace and found they are coming to Toronto in couple of weeks by chance lol
The show was amazing! They had a technical problem (their auto harp didn't work) at the beginning, but they had an another auto harp, so everything was fine lol and it was really tight set.
Through the whole show, the atmosphere was great. It was so cozy and relaxing but still has energy with some punk sounds from upstairs lol  Yes, their show itself has good energy for sure, and they are good at joking around on the stage. They change the silly things into the funny things.
I felt really good and happy after they played. 
The tunes are amazing.
They played good cover songs include Fleet Foxes which was beautiful cover!
And they showed us their hidden hip-hop skills at the end of the show lol

I'm really looking forward to seeing them again.

P.S. I took few pics but they are all fuzzy...I have to work on to take good picture.

First aid Kit, Fleet Foxes

とりあえず、いきなり書くことが思いつかなかったらこの間見に行ったライブのレヴューを書く事にしました。このブログで書くトピックの一つになると思うから・・・よろしく 笑

先週の金曜日に見て来たのはFirst Aid Kit っていうスウェーデン出身の姉妹のフォークデュオ。 
このバンドのことは前にFlee Foxesのカバーをしている画像をたまたま友達がユーチューブで見つけたのが知るきっかけで、この間たまたまマイスペースをみたら、なんと!もうすぐトロントに来るっていうんで、とりあえず見に行ってきました 笑 このカバーがすげーいいから、暇だったらそこのリンクから飛んで行って聞いてみて。

最初に楽器がならないトラブルがあったけど、それも生ライブの一興 笑 全体的にやんわりとしたならもノリのあるいいライブでした。
結構喋れるっぽく曲の間のかるいMCも楽しかった 笑
カバーも何曲かやり最後には即興のラップも披露してくれました 笑


本当は写真も撮ったんだけど、全部ブレてたんで今回は載せません 笑 その内載せれる様に写真の撮り方でも練習してみますん。


Friday, October 22, 2010

First post: description of this blog and experiment how the post show up lol

The purpose of this blog is sending something out from here I am. It doesn't matter what it is, the important thing is sending something out cause it's so easy now and be able to reach everywhere in the world. so let's walk on a privilege of civilization. This is the concept of this blog.
so, if you are really bored and somehow reached here, I hope you enjoy lol
I try to write in English and Japanese as much as I can, so if there is any mistake in my English or even in Japanese, feel free to correct it unless if you really don't want to lol


このブログはとりあえず何かを発信しようと思って始めたから、内容は結構適当です。発信できればいいんです、こんな時代なんでね。 一応英語と日本語両方で書いていこうと思ってます・・・今んとこ。 なので、英語や日本語にミスがあったら、教えてくれたら嬉しいです。 学ぶのはいいことです 笑 まあ、時間が有り余ってるときに何故かここに辿り着いてしまったら見てみてねみたいなブログです。
